Wednesday, July 29, 2009


You cannot love others if you are judging them.

It is judgment that separates you from Source.

Send love to everyone, accept them as they are, and you will regain your connection to The One.

Go Within

"The solution is never found at the level of the problem."

Monday, July 27, 2009

Unleash the Power of Your Mind

Tundra Swans
Beneath the surface of your day to day, minute by minute conscious thoughts is a sea of consciousness of infinite intelligence. It exists within you, always there for you if you can turn down the echos of the past and concerns of the future that constantly stream through your head while you're awake.

In your waking state, your mind spends most of its time generating brainwaves at 12 -30 electrical cycles per second, known as the beta state. The activity is a continuous noise level of ideas, impressions, inputs from others, and thoughts in your head that repeat and repeat and repeat. This noise keeps you going through your day but also drowns out the richness of information in your subconscious stream.

Meditation is one method by which you can turn down the volume of the noise in your head and receive information from this higher intelligence stream of consciousness. Meditation is something that some people may find difficult, or believe that to do it "right" means you have to sit in a lotus position in a monastery and practice for many years.

That is not the only way to access this knowledge, fortunately. Many years ago, a man named Jose Silva introduced techniques to help people quickly and easily slow down their brainwaves and quiet their conscious mind. Through the Silva Method, student learn to move from the awake Beta state of mind to the calm and relaxed Alpha state, where their brainwave frequency is around 8-13 cycles per second.

His methods were so successful that thousands of people were able to achieve major improvements in their lives by following his techniques. Not only did they gain access to greater intelligence, they were able to perform what some may consider "miracles"...healing their bodies, communicating with others over a distance, learning new skills instantly, and teaching others how to improve their own lives.

Although Jose Silva is no longer with us, his teachings and programs live on. You can try out some of the methods on your own for free, and if you decide you want to explore further, you can sign up for a home study program.

Check out this link for the free trial program which includes audio downloads. Also on this page you can order the home study program (I have this) to dive in and make positive and lasting changes in your own life.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Power of Your Words

Put on a happy face.

If you are a student of The Law of Attraction, you may already be watching your thoughts and emotions carefully, since you know that thoughts become things (credit goes to Mike Dooley for that). Do you realize also that every word you speak out loud, write, or say to yourself is a thought that has physical manifestation? The words in your head create chemical and synaptic connections, the words you speak do that and also create physical sound wave vibrations, and the words you write have a physical presence and are transmitted through light waves back to you and anyone else who reads them.

So while your thoughts in your head are very powerful, the audience for words you speak and words you write is larger than just you and they therefore are reflected and reinforced by whoever hears or reads them. Those who read them add their energy to what you say and participate in the manifestation.

Are you watching your words? Do you say things like "I can't", "I don't know how", "I wish I could"...? Or worse, do you use phrases like "I hate it", "I could die", or "They will kill me"? These negative words are working hard to deliver what you say. If you aren't moving toward your goals in life, consider your language and choice of words. If you catch yourself saying things that are negative, stop right away and mentally say the word "CANCEL" and then change around your phrasing. Instead of "I can't" "I wish I could" or "I don't know how to", say, "I'd like to find out how to..." Instead of saying other negative phrases, think of the solution rather than the problem. "They may not like this at first, but..." or "I prefer this rather than that..."

All this may seem nit-picky and trivial to you, but that is because you have learned most of your life that sarcasm and pessimism is a sign of intelligence. In fact, it is a reinforcement of limiting and negative beliefs, even if said in humor.

Take every word your speak seriously. Fill your vocabulary with positive statements and notice the change in your energy. Eliminate the negative phrases and celebrate the power you have to make a difference in your own life NOW.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I Always Feel Like... Somebody's Watching (Over) Me

When you quiet your thoughts and get in touch with your inner, deeper mind, through practice, you will find help at every turn.

Call it intuition, universal intelligence, that still, quiet voice from within, or guidance from angels...whatever, but it is the voice that will help you whenever you ask, if you just ask.

When I am fully present in the moment, without worries of the day plaguing my thoughts, I can ask and get answers easily. It seems to work especially well when I am driving my car in fact. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I can ask mentally for the best parking space and then be guided to it if I am open to listen. The guidance comes in the form of an unspoken word or idea that pops into my head at the right time.

For instance today, as I was driving in to park at the Target store, I got an "idea" to turn left toward the lot instead of heading straight like I normally do. I then got the "idea" to skip to the second row of parking spaces. As I headed close to the store I was looking on my right for an opening but an "idea" came into my head to look left. There at the very end of the row, closest to the store, was an open space on the left! Couldn't have found a better spot to park, really.

After shopping, I wanted to mail an envelope, but as I was in a different town I had no idea where a post office or mail box would be. Seems to me that lately there are fewer mailboxes on sidewalks anyway, so I was nearly resigned to heading back to my town and driving way out of my way to a post office I knew. Then a suggestion popped into my head to drive down the street "one more block". I had no idea what I was heading toward, but I followed the suggestion, which also led me to get in the right lane and shortly after I did, there was a mailbox!

Wow, even though this stuff seems to happen a lot these days, I am still excited and amazed when I get an "idea" or suggestion and I take it and it's right. Imagine how much easier our lives would be if we lived every moment like this!

I suggest you experiment as I do, asking for guidance while driving. I do this all the time when I want to find an opening to exit a freeway, and have often used it when I didn't have my GPS with me (I call it my mental GPS). The guidance is actually better than a GPS at times, taking me on the quickest route to my destination in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Of course, having someone else in the car telling you to take different roads can drown out the information coming in, so try it at first when you're alone. The more you practice at receiving guidance, the better you will get at recognizing it and can apply it to all areas of your life.

Just ask and the answer will be given!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Beginning Manifestor

Are you wondering about all this instant manifestation stuff? Have you heard the stories of great things happening to other people, but can't seem to get things going in your own life? Try starting out with something small which you have little or no emotional attachment to. Emotions can get in the way of things and they can help, too. If you start to worry about the thing you're trying to manifest, it's likely to take longer to come to you, so try something that really won't matter to much to you if you get it or not, like a parking space.

Oh boy I am good at manifesting parking spaces. I just ask for the best possible space a few minutes before arriving at the theater or store and there it is waiting for me.

In the past, when my sister was in the car with me we would have some heated discussions about parking....she saying I should go for the first spot I find and me saying I know my spot is waiting for me. Now after seeing it happen ten times or so she now keeps quiet when we pull into a parking lot. She doesn't much believe in the Law of Attraction but she has seen it work for me. Just this weekend we were going to an art festival and before I even knew we were at the event, which took place in a park, a street parking space right next to the event opened up right in front of us. I didn't even ask that time. Nice spot, the shade.

Can you manifest parking spaces, too?

Remember David Schirmer of the movie, The Secret ? He started out by manifesting parking spaces, then moved on to getting checks in the mail and increasing his bank account.

If you can start with something small and do it consistently, you will convince yourself that you really can manifest things, that things don't just happen to you in life by accident. Then you can move on to bigger things. Try it!

The Power of your Thoughts

"There is nothing that has ever been accomplished by man that has not first been created and imaged in his mind. It is always the vision first, and afterwards the accomplishment."

--Henry Thomas Hamblin

To Recieve More Love

To receive more Love, send Love to everyone you meet.

Do not criticise others, even in your head. Your subconscious mind can't tell the difference between criticism of others and criticism of yourself.

The Inner Light


Without going out of my door,
I can know all things on earth
without looking out of my window,
I can know the ways of heaven.

The farther one travels
the less one knows
the less one really knows.

Without going out of your door,
You can know all things on earth
without looking out of your window,
you can know the ways of heaven.

The farther one travels
the less one knows
the less one really knows.

Arrive without travelling,
See all without looking,
Do all without doing.

George Harrison, The Inner Light

Sunday, June 21, 2009

There is Power in the Moment

Ever get yourself lost in the worries of the day? Everybody does. The world is changing rapidly and with change comes uncertainty. Whether you're caught up in the news of financial turmoil, or you're concerned about environmental changes, or you're living in fear of terrorism and violence that assaults the world every day, or maybe you are dealing with a personal crisis--any of these things can put your focus on worries about the future and remove you from being present now. Fear, worry, doubt, anger, and stress are all emotions that can bring your energy down and ultimately cause bigger problems in your life. Doctors offices are filled with people who worry themselves sick, or drink, smoke or take pills to cover up stress and fear. It seems like an endless vicious cycle as worry begets stress and more worry, fear begets anger and so on. Search everywhere, but there is nothing outside of you that can take all of that away. The good news is, you have a lot more power than you may believe. You have the power of the moment.

Give yourself a moment, just a moment and evaluate that moment. You are breathing, your heart is beating and you are alive with life. In that small, isolated moment, you are perfect...the moment is perfect. Can you see that? You are for just a moment, pure potential, actually capable of anything that comes your way. You are in your first moment on the way to health, in the first moment on the path to financial freedom, in the first moment to solving that big problem that has been keeping you up nights.

Consider that moment.

Then consider the next, as that moment passes. Can you see that this next moment, immediately following the previous, is in and of itself perfect? If you were to look at those two moments together, they would both be perfect.

Give yourself another moment of perfection. Breathe into that moment and feel alive. Continue to evaluate each moment, one by one and you will realize that you have created a string of pure perfect moments, that can become a perfect minute, a perfect hour and, over time, a perfect day. Give yourself enough perfect days and you step gracefully and joyfully into a perfect life.

You are pure potential in the moment. What's in the future is always in the future. What's now is what you can act on. Seize the moment.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Energy Healing

Energy healing is the safest, most gentle treatment to give yourself and your family and friends. If you don't know the techniques, it is worth reading some of the earlier entries on this page and visiting some of my other sites for more information (check my bookmarks on the left). Once you know a technique or two, you have a tool you can use for life.

I had been dealing with a bit of a kidney infection this past week (kundalini energy blockage, I think). I've been meditating quite a bit lately and teaching EFT, and I probably needed to drink more water, as I feel like my body is doing a lot of clearing and detoxing. Today when I felt a bit of pain, I went for another big glass of water and started my EFT tapping. I lay down for a short time and did Reiki on my kidneys and lower abdomen. Then I did some more EFT. I had a call with a friend scheduled (I have been taking her through daily meditations to help her with her healing) and I noticed that half and hour or so into the call the pain had dissipated. After we did our meditation together I was feeling wonderful, with no pain at all. Note that I did not take a single pain killer or other type of drug, I just used the energy of my body to heal.

If you are familiar with energy healing, this is all commonplace to you. If this all sounds strange or new to you, I suggest you keep an open mind and see what it can do for you. I have posted a link for some Reiki training below and will be adding more information very soon. I am also beginning an online EFT classes in just a couple weeks and I will post information on that here, too. If you want to know more about this NOW, feel free to contact me at my email address at

You will be amazed at what these gentle techniques can do for you. Not only can they help you heal yourself and others, they will put a new and fresh perspective on your life, one of love and joy, rather than fear and sadness. Join me in spreading the LIGHT around now. Your body, your mind and your spirit will thank you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Are You a Victim of the "Sick" Industry?

Two important videos from the wonderful people at Silva Mind. Spread it around...more people need to know what's really going on.

If you're not familiar with Jose Silva and The Silva Method, check it out: Click Here!

You will find free downloads at this site, as well as programs you can purchase. Don't delay. Do it for it for your family.

It will change your life in miraculous ways. I know. I am a Silva Ultramind student.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Are You in a Healing Crisis?

I was talking to a friend the other day who has been using alternative therapies to get well and is being hit suddenly with an onslaught of symptoms out of the blue. The therapies initially made her feel very good, but as they progressed she developed various pains and blockages and weird sensations. We were not sure what to make of this at first, but then later that day as I listened to a talk on brain entrainment, I heard mention of the term “healing crisis” and it all made sense to me.

I had first heard of this phenomenon many years back when I first became involved in energy therapy as I was taking my Reiki training. It was explained that as the body progresses towards health, sometimes it revisits old pains and symptoms of old disease before it completely clears itself. For example, you may be undergoing Reiki treatment for back pain when, a few days after you begin the sessions you get a sharp pain in your arm. You may decide that something new has come up, or that Reiki has caused a problem. Then you think back and recall that the arm in pain is the same one you broke when you were twelve years old. As it was explained to me, the Reiki healing is bringing to the surface past memories in the body of trauma in order to release them. In a healing crisis, symptoms tend to come up and go quickly, like watching a movie of your past in fast motion.

Dr. Constantine Hering, known as the father of homeopathy derived the Law of Cure that describes the healing process:
* Symptoms of a chronic disease disappear in definite order, going in reverse and taking about one month for every year the symptoms have been present.
* Symptoms move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the skin.
* Symptoms move from the top of the body downward.

Nutritional changes, EFT, meditation, homeopathic treatments, and other therapies can trigger a healing crisis. Usually the recommended action for a healing crisis is to back off of the therapy for a bit and take it slow. Keeping the body rested and drinking plenty of water will help to alleviate some issues associated with detox.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Heal with Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique used to help reduce stress and heal. A practitioner places his or her hands on the client in various positions while acting as a conduit to allow in healing energy. The practitioner does not need to know what may or may not be wrong with the client, since the energy knows where to go.

The word Reiki comes from the two words-- Rei, meaning Higher Power and Ki, meaning life force energy (the same as Chi). A Reiki session is very soothing and relaxing, for both the practitioner and the client. Reiki is not associated with any religion and does not require that the client believe in it, just that they sit quietly and be open to healing. Anyone can become a Reiki practioner with the proper training. Once you have received the training, you can use Reiki on yourself and others. Reiki training used to involve expensive classes and attunements given directly by a Reiki Master. Now you can learn Reiki at home for a fraction of the price with the Reiki Home Study Courses offered by Reiki Master/Teacher Dave Watson. Click Here to visit the site and find out more.

Get in Control of Your Emotions and Improve your Finances

Have you heard of EFT, the powerful and fast technique for removing blocks to healing and success? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It was created by founder Gary Craig, and it combines the tapping of body energy meridians, much like acupressure therapy, with statements directed at the subconscious mind. This powerful combination serves to release long held thoughts, feelings and emotions that tend to block us from our natural state of good health and happiness.

EFT is being used now by therapists, doctors, spiritual healers, and even kids. In fact, people from all cultures and backgrounds can use EFT with the help of a practitioner or alone to improve their lives. Just do a Google search and you will see how this simple technique has become the hottest alternative healing therapy available.

The main site,, contains a plethora of introductory materials, case studies and testimonials. If you've taken a look at the site, it can easily become overwhelming. Just trying to find instructions on EFT for a particular topic. Fortunately, one of the leaders in the EFT community has paired up with one of the stars of the movie, The Secret teach you a special technique for removing blocks to abundance. Join EFT wizard Brad Yates and The Secret's Mr. Fire, Joe Vitale, as they lead you through an EFT process to help you achieve your wealth goals. Order the Money Beyond Belief! Home Tapping System and get started using EFT today. It comes with a money back guarantee, so what have you got to lose?