If you are a student of The Law of Attraction, you may already be watching your thoughts and emotions carefully, since you know that thoughts become things (credit goes to Mike Dooley for that). Do you realize also that every word you speak out loud, write, or say to yourself is a thought that has physical manifestation? The words in your head create chemical and synaptic connections, the words you speak do that and also create physical sound wave vibrations, and the words you write have a physical presence and are transmitted through light waves back to you and anyone else who reads them.
So while your thoughts in your head are very powerful, the audience for words you speak and words you write is larger than just you and they therefore are reflected and reinforced by whoever hears or reads them. Those who read them add their energy to what you say and participate in the manifestation.
Are you watching your words? Do you say things like "I can't", "I don't know how", "I wish I could"...? Or worse, do you use phrases like "I hate it", "I could die", or "They will kill me"? These negative words are working hard to deliver what you say. If you aren't moving toward your goals in life, consider your language and choice of words. If you catch yourself saying things that are negative, stop right away and mentally say the word "CANCEL" and then change around your phrasing. Instead of "I can't" "I wish I could" or "I don't know how to", say, "I'd like to find out how to..." Instead of saying other negative phrases, think of the solution rather than the problem. "They may not like this at first, but..." or "I prefer this rather than that..."
All this may seem nit-picky and trivial to you, but that is because you have learned most of your life that sarcasm and pessimism is a sign of intelligence. In fact, it is a reinforcement of limiting and negative beliefs, even if said in humor.
Take every word your speak seriously. Fill your vocabulary with positive statements and notice the change in your energy. Eliminate the negative phrases and celebrate the power you have to make a difference in your own life NOW.
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