Beneath the surface of your day to day, minute by minute conscious thoughts is a sea of consciousness of infinite intelligence. It exists within you, always there for you if you can turn down the echos of the past and concerns of the future that constantly stream through your head while you're awake.
In your waking state, your mind spends most of its time generating brainwaves at 12 -30 electrical cycles per second, known as the beta state. The activity is a continuous noise level of ideas, impressions, inputs from others, and thoughts in your head that repeat and repeat and repeat. This noise keeps you going through your day but also drowns out the richness of information in your subconscious stream.
Meditation is one method by which you can turn down the volume of the noise in your head and receive information from this higher intelligence stream of consciousness. Meditation is something that some people may find difficult, or believe that to do it "right" means you have to sit in a lotus position in a monastery and practice for many years.
That is not the only way to access this knowledge, fortunately. Many years ago, a man named Jose Silva introduced techniques to help people quickly and easily slow down their brainwaves and quiet their conscious mind. Through the Silva Method, student learn to move from the awake Beta state of mind to the calm and relaxed Alpha state, where their brainwave frequency is around 8-13 cycles per second.
His methods were so successful that thousands of people were able to achieve major improvements in their lives by following his techniques. Not only did they gain access to greater intelligence, they were able to perform what some may consider "miracles"...healing their bodies, communicating with others over a distance, learning new skills instantly, and teaching others how to improve their own lives.
Although Jose Silva is no longer with us, his teachings and programs live on. You can try out some of the methods on your own for free, and if you decide you want to explore further, you can sign up for a home study program.
Check out this link for the free trial program which includes audio downloads. Also on this page you can order the home study program (I have this) to dive in and make positive and lasting changes in your own life.
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